Wednesday, June 26, 2024

With proper design, pusher furnaces have many advantages

When anyone familiar with the high production carburizing of gears is asked to offer an opinion about pusher furnaces, they inevitability say “what else...

Q&A: Bruce Neumiller

Tell us a little about your background, and how you came to found Gearbox Express with your partners. I’ve always been involved in gearing, first...

Terry McDonald: Site Safety

Gear manufacturers are active people. We’re generally out on the shop floor, or traveling to meet with customers at their facilities, but many of...

As gear requirements grow more intricate, a knowledge of the best processes for different...

The universal demand for gears necessitates that they be produced in many geometric forms, numerous materials, and in a wide range of quality levels...

For carburizing, quenching gears, pusher furnaces outpace drivetrain carburizing when compared to other furnace...

In the heyday of high-volume carburizing during the sixties and seventies, all of the automotive OEM’s maintained their own in-house heat treats; commercial job...

Q&A with Mark Tomlinson

In light of President Obama’s emphasis on creating manufacturing jobs in the United States, what do you see as the best path forward? The...

Terry McDonald: Site Safety

We have discussed the concept of developing a safety program at your workplace many times. I have provided examples from my own background, and...

Wrapping up a discussion of the different types of worm gears and the wide...

In the early part of the 1920s the automobile reached high production rates using rear axle drives with worm gear ratios of 4:1 and...

Only the plasma process can come close to matching CGN’s speed with equal or...

With the reach of the Internet and its influence on technology sharing, you would think that by now we in the United States would...

Q&A with Tom Downs

Congratulations on your recent promotion. Tell us a little about your background. Thank you. It’s a real honor that our president, Andy Lachat, has...

Terry McDonald: Site Safety

I doubt that many of us have completely avoided crossing paths with a bully or two in our lives. The first encounter may have...

Part two of a discussion on the different types of worm gears and the...

This month we will discuss threads, effective length, and tooth thickness: The worm may be designed with any number of threads, or as they...

Russian Catalytic Gas Nitriding process has migrated to the U.S., could alter thinking of...

Heat treating is often a conflict in terms: Heat, then cool as fast as possible while trying to reduce distortion. Case hardening steel is...

Q&A with Jack Estes

Tell us the story behind Partners in THINC. Okuma introduced THINC—The Intelligent Numerical Control—in 2004, which is a PC-based operating platform using the Okuma Sampling...

Terry McDonald: Site Safety

Everybody knows there’s a shortage of qualified workers in manufacturing here in the United States. There are a lot of organizations out there doing...

Part one of the different types of worm gears and how useful they are...

Principle: A machine’s practical mechanical advantage is defined as the ratio of the force expended by the machine to overcome a resistance to the...

We need a nitriding process combining speed and control of plasma, without the degree...

In the last four weeks my work has taken me to Austria, Slovakia, Wiesbaden, Germany, Russia, and Cincinnati, Ohio, all having to do with...

Q&A with Pat Nugent

I understand that your parent company, the Mahr Group, is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. Tell us a little about its history. Carl...

Q&A with Doug Fozo

How did you come to join Schafer Gear Works, leading to your new role with South Bend Gear? It’s interesting, I’d gone to work as...

Concluding the discussion of the history, applications, and attributes of different types of castings...

Continuing our conversation on different types of castings and related treatments, let’s turn our attention to bronze treatments. The heat treatment of a gear...