Saturday, July 27, 2024
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As the number-one publication in the gear industry, Gear Solutions has continuously strived to be the primary source of information and technical knowledge in the gear manufacturing industry for more than 20 years. For each issue, we scour the latest news and focus on bringing articles that are relevant, necessary, and vital to the success of our readers. We take considerable efforts to understand and utilize our reader survey information, because we know there is always room for growth.

Gear Solutions is the top monthly magazine containing technical articles, company profiles, Q&As, features, columns, product information, and news about the gear industry. Editorial content – generated by the Gear Solutions knowledgeable editorial staff as well as industry and academic experts – emphasizes emerging technologies, processes, materials, and R&D. Gear Solutions is targeted toward decision-makers who actively seek timely, accurate information about products, applications, research, and materials used in manufacturing gears.


2-Page Spread 16.75″ x 10.875″ 17.25″ x 11.125″
Full Page 8.375″ x 10.875″ 8.625″ x 11.125″
2/3 Page 4.94″ x 9.975″ 5.44″ x 11.125″
1/2 Page Island 4.94″ x 7.45″ n/a
1/2 Page Horizontal 7.475″ x 4.925″ n/a
1/2 Page Vertical 3.675″ x 9.975″ 4.175″ x 11.125″
1/3Page Square 4.94″ x 4.925″ n/a
1/3 Page Vertical 2.4″ x 9.975″ 2.9″ x 11.125″
1/4 Page 3.675″ x 4.925″ n/a
1/9 Page 2.4075″ x 3.24″ n/a

Please choose your location's approximate capital spending this year?

$1 million-$2 million
$2 million-$4.9 million
$5 million-$10 million
$10+ million

Have you ever bought or recommended a product or service after reading about it in GEAR SOLUTIONS?

What other actions have you taken as a result of reading GEAR SOLUTIONS?

Discussed ad/article with others 79%
Visited company's website 81%
Saved ad/article for further use 65%
Identified potential suppliers 66%
Collected information for purchase 46%
Contacted company or sales rep 32%
I have not taken any of these actions 3%
Other 2%

What best describes your readership of GEAR SOLUTIONS magazine?

In addition to yourself, how many people read your copy of GEAR SOLUTIONS magazine?



Proper output of your ad materials can only be ensured if you submit your artwork as a hi-resolution PDF.

We accept artwork in the following media types:

  • FTP
  • Electronic Transfer via email

A color proof must be included with your artwork to ensure proper output. We are not responsible for errors when no proof is supplied. For electronically transferred artwork, we can only insure proper reproduction if the above standards are met.


We accept photos/images as follows:

    (CMYK format, 266 dpi minimum)
Electronic Transfer via Email
  • Send emailed artwork to:
  • FTP upload here
  • Scan all artwork for viruses before emailing. You may be liable for any damages to computer equipment caused by a sent virus.
  • Folders/sets of related files should be compressed into Stuffit (.sit) or Zip (.zip) format before emailing.

Miscellaneous Information

  • Ads intended to bleed must include at least 1/8″ bleed around all edges of ad.
  • Fonts, images/scans, logos/artwork must be embedded in all EPS or Hi-Res PDF files.
  • All images/scans, logos/artwork must be in CMYK mode

All sent artwork (including email) must include the following:

  • Magazine Title
  • Issue Date
  • Advertiser’s Name
  • Contact Information (name, phone, email, fax if applicable)
  • List of contents (IMPORTANT)

Each edition of the magazine will be perfect bound.