Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Orders increase for pusher furnaces for those planning to employ oil press quenching to...

Several columns ago I said we were receiving indications that there was a renewed interest in pusher furnaces for carburizing … well that sure...

Q&A with Daniel Herring

As the "Heat Treat Doctor" how has your work impacted the industry? I feel my greatest contribution is having the opportunity to share the technical...

Terry McDonald: Site Safety

We all enjoy the nice warm weather and the pleasures of the outdoors, but summer also brings its own set of safety concerns that...

An increasing demand for minimal backlash has been created by the precision required for...

In the present day a precision reducer's backlash is typically three to six arc minutes, and on an eight-inch pitch diameter that is a...

Before bringing heat-treating in-house, study existing outsource processes so transition is seamless

Your company anticipates increased competition in your market so bringing heat treating in-house is one of your cost control strategies. First, you identify per part...

Q&A with Michael Menz

Please tell us about your new role with Riley Gear Corporation. The new roll of Executive Vice President consists of managing the day-to-day operations and...

Q&A with Stephen P. Radzevich Ph.D.

You have written a book titled, Theory of Gearing: Kinematics, Geometry, and Synthesis. What does the book discuss? This book systematically presents and develops a...

Terry McDonald: Site Safety

Machine-related injuries or fatalities are at the highest during maintenance, service, repairs or adjustments. One simple way to avoid accidents or deaths is to...

When considering the gear mesh, backlash is high on the list of misunderstandings

Among the many considerations when considering the gear mesh, backlash is high on the list of misunderstandings. Backlash has a cyclically fluctuating value between...

91 percent of survey respondents dunk quench in oil. So, why does LPC continue...

Twelve years ago I commissioned a study to identify trends in the heat treating industry where part of that survey involved three processes: traditional...

Terry McDonald: Site Safety

I was talking to a friend the other day who works in manufacturing for a decent sized company. He was complaining that his employer...

Proper lubrication reduces frictional resistance and heat, improves the gear efficiency

Critical to a gear's operation is the lubrication type and method of application. Lubrication is a science and for new applications consulting with the...

Shallow case hardening in mesh belt, cast link belt furnaces acceptable when fixturing is...

Images of pushers are the likely style that comes to mind when people first think of continuous furnaces. When deep case and fixtured quenching...

Q&A with Jack Fiorille

As a manufacturing engineer for Elyria Manufacturing Corp., what are your duties? As a manufacturing engineer my focus is in machining, quoting prices for customers,...

Terry McDonald: Site Safety

It’s always great news to hear that business is picking up for a company, especially if layoffs were required or shifts eliminated during the...

Worm gear tooth forms, including the five standardized forms produced by milling or grinding...

There is a wide choice in tooth forms, each form with its own share of merits and demerits depending on the application. Several forms...

Debate: Generator manufactured endothermic gas vs. nitrogen-methanol as a carburizing atmosphere

Recently in my world the topic of nitrogen-methanol as a carburizing atmosphere has emerged as an item of interest by an existing user seeking...

Q&A with Dean Burrows

Give us a little background information on the joint venture between Gear Motions and KBE+. I’d be glad to. About four years ago I sat...

Terry McDonald: Site Safety

It seems to me that many companies have starting taking on more of an educational role in recent years than they did in the...

Requirements for more-intricate gear designs call for a knowledge of the best manufacturing processes...

The  gear blank design is frequently influenced by the cost. The ideal blank is finished with the final bore perpendicular to the face and...