Q&A with Stefan Scherbarth
I’ve heard a great deal of buzz about InvoMilling™. How did the idea come about?
I was visiting a big machine tool maker in Germany,...
Q&A with Brian Richardson
Tell me about the origins of the Brevini Group.
On the road from Bologna, Italy to the city of Reggio Emilia, there is a scattering...
All-Steel Hypoid Gears
In comparison, worm gear drives use softer, bronze gearing, which shortens service life, and they operate at efficiencies that decline as ratio increases. Hypoid-gearing...
A look at controlled rotation systems
Driverless technology, in its fundamental form, already exists in academia and private consortiums. The basic components are here: GPS can track and sense a...
Q&A with Scott Richards
James Engineering specializes in deburring machines. A number of gear manufacturers are still hand deburring their products, aren’t they?
I’m working with one right now—a...
Why is the Center in Tension?
Consider that each ring segment has the same volumetric expansion. Next, take the mid-wall circumference and multiply that by the volumetric expansion resulting from...
Determining Transformation Products
Transformational stresses arise from the volumetric expansion of the Face Centered Cubic (FCC) crystal structure to Body Centered Cubic/Tetragonal (BCC/BCT). The degree of volumetric...
Right-Angle Gearboxes Using Hypoid Gears
Still using a worm gear and trying to improve the overall efficiency of your system? Purchasing a high efficiency NEMA premium motor may improve...
Proper cooling is paramount
In higher-alloy material, such as precipitation hardening steels (PH), hardening requires a two-step application—one of removing heat by quenching followed by adding heat to...
Q&A with Jack Nowlin
What does C-B Gear specialize in?
We started business in 1952 as a job shop, doing mostly replacement gears, and we’ve been providing the industry...
Selecting the Best Application Combination
While large heat-treated components will always contain some stress, these stresses can be minimized in order to reduce the likelihood of catastrophic failure while...
Gear Accuracy Vs. Manufacturing Costs
The required gear accuracy is directly related to the costs of manufacture. The highest accuracy available by current processes is considered to be AGMA...
The evolution of carburizing and quenching
Let’s talk about evolution. I don’t mean Darwin’s escapades on the HMS Beagle, but the evolution that has influenced the development of the OEM...
Q&A with Scott Knoy
German Machine Tools of America (GMTA) is a leader in supplying machining and fabricating equipment solutions to the North American Market. Tell me a...
Sorting Through the Forging Selection Process
The forging process, one of the oldest methods of metalworking, is often still the best suited for many part applications. Due to upgraded computer...
Pay Attention to the Teeth During Sequence of Operations
When the face width exceeds 24 inches, a minimum of three supporting ribs or webs is required. The rim thickness must provide full support...
Dealing with material handling
One of the many things I ask when evaluating a company’s heat treating requirements is how they plan on dealing with material handling. As...
Q&A with Brian Slone
I hear there are some exciting things in the works for Slone Gear International.
We’re merging with a company that has laser machining and welding...
Hardenability and high pressure gas quenching
What do Max the stone-age entrepreneur, Ben Franklin, and your daughter’s hamster have in common? All have contributed indirectly to the latest development in...
Q&A with Tony Werschky
So “Delta” really describes more than one company, right?
We’re lumped into two different companies: Delta Research and Delta Gear, Inc. Delta Gear produces gears...