Innovation seems be one of those buzz words that has lost some of its original meaning due to overuse. To innovate, or to create something new, is popular among marketers to demonstrate that your company is staying on trend, furthering technology, or growing new ideas to stand out from competitors. But, did you also know that innovation can be listening to others and understanding where the industry is moving as a whole? The AGMA Fall Technical Meeting (FTM) is the truest form of innovation for gear designers, manufacturers, and suppliers, and lucky you, it is happening in just a few of weeks.
Papers that have gone through a double-blind peer review will be presented to attendees and then published in SCOPUS, a digitized library of articles, journals, and research documents. What does that even mean? Well, it shows that for the gear industry, the FTM is the only conference globally that allows the research to go through rigorous quality checks without bias. And, as far as getting published in SCOPUS, it means the work done by the authors will continue to live on in one of the most prestigious libraries for research and you guessed it … innovation.
About the FTM content and SCOPUS
The content is carefully curated and ultimately selected by the independent Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB), an international group of scientists and researchers with journal editor experience, who represent the major scientific disciplines.
Year round, the board members are responsible for reviewing all new titles that are suggested to Scopus, in addition to reviewing and ensuring that the quality of existing content is maintained.
This year’s presentations include everything from e-drives and metrology to case studies of manufacturing and high-ratio planetary gearboxes for next-generation robotics. Attendees will hear about research in the beginning stages all the way to tried-and-true methods that will help shape future technology in gearing. The sessions include:
• Session 1: Efficiency, Lubrication, Noise, and Vibration | October 17, 1-5 p.m.
• Session 2: Inspection and Analysis | October 18, 8 a.m.-noon.
• Session 3: Manufacturing | October 18, 1-5p.m.
• Session 4: Application, Design, and Rating | October 19, 8 a.m.-noon.
• Session 5: Testing and Failure | October 19, 1-5 p.m.
It isn’t enough to speak about innovation confined within the walls of your plant. To truly understand what is being done to further your industry, one must go to conferences like the FTM and hear it firsthand in the presentations, talk about it during the networking events, and create relationships with your peers that might lead to partnerships for the companies. We see our members survive (some of them more than 100 years old) because they learn every chance they get, and that is true innovation.
Join us October 17–19 at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare in Rosemont, Illinois, the hotel deadline is September 22.
• More information:

Fall Technical Meeting Sessions and Paper Titles
The 2022 Fall Technical Meeting (FTM) will feature the burgeoning research in the gear industry, shared by researchers through highly technical presentations over the course of three days.
Session 1 – Efficiency, Lubrication, Noise, and Vibration
October 17, 1-5 p.m.
- Development of a New Test Method to Investigate the Scuffing Load Carrying Capacity of Hypoid Gear Oils.
- Mechanical Power Loss of Spur Gears Subject to Various Surface Finish Pairings.
- Aspects of Gear Noise, Quality, and Manufacturing Technologies for Electro Mobility.
- Sound Intensity Analysis of Straight Bevel Gears Finished by Using AFF Process.
- Optimizing the Operational Behavior of Double Helical Gears by Means of an FE-Based Tooth Contact Analysis.
Session 2 – Inspection and Analysis
October 18, 8 a.m.-noon
- In Process Measurement and Compensation for Manufacturing Skiving Cutters.
- Methods for Checking the Profile of the Path of Contact of Involute Gears.
- Finding the Right Task for Optical Gear Metrology.
- Cross-Correlation Analysis Among Tooth Profile and Helix Deviations.
- Special Presentation: Noise Analysis for e-Drive Gears and In-Process Gear Inspection.
Session 3 – Manufacturing
October 18, 1-5 p.m.
- A New Low-Pressure Carburizing Solution in a Pit vs. Traditional Pit Carburizing Methods.
- Mathematical Model of a Straight Bevel Gear on the Straight Bevel Coniflex Generator and Gear Flank Correction.
- Power Skiving Tool Offsets and the Feasibility of Using a Calculator for Manipulating the Resulting Geometry.
- Closed Loop for Gears: Some Case Studies.
- Modern Green and Hard Machining of Double Helical Gears.
Session 4 – Application, Design, and Rating
October 19, 8 a.m.-noon
- Effect of Tooth Root Fillet Design on Tooth Root Stress in Short Fiber Reinforced Plastic Gears.
- Investigations on the Tooth Root Bending Strength of Larger-Sized Induction Hardened Gears.
- On the Potential of High-Ratio Planetary Gearboxes for Next-Generation Robotics.
- A Model for Considering Wheel Body Deformation in Tooth Contact Load Distribution.
- A Decomposition of the Torsional Stiffness of a Worm Gearbox into Individual Components.
- Unconventional Gear Profiles in Planetary Gearboxes.
Session 5 – Testing and Failure
October 19, 1-5 p.m.
- Implementation of a Gear Health Monitoring System on a Power Recirculating Test Rig Using the Average Log Ratio (ALR) Algorithm.
- Enhanced Calculation Method for Tooth Flank Fracture Risk with Consideration of Tensile Residual Stresses in Larger Material Depths.
- Experimental Evaluation of Wind Turbine Gearbox Structural Models Using Fiber Optic Strain Sensors.
- Test Rig for Crowned Spline-Joints with Optimized Surface Treatments Under Misaligned Conditions.
- Results of ISO/TS 6336-22 Evaluating Full Contact Zone.
FTM details
Join us to explore the latest methods and cutting-edge technologies in gearing today.
Hotel deadline is September 22, 2022.
• More information:
Join an AGMA Technical Committee today
Shape the gear standards of tomorrow, today. Join more than 300 of your gear industry colleagues by volunteering on at least one of AGMA’s 23 technical committees. The expert knowledge in AGMA’s current catalog of more than 100 documents boosts American and worldwide business. AGMA technical committees are also your vehicle to participate in development of more than 50 ISO gear standards, as many AGMA committees have a secondary function as technical advisory groups to ISO.
To join a committee, all you need to do is be a member of AGMA and email your interest to:
Calendar of Events
September 15-16 — Wormgearing Committee — WebEx
September 19-23 — Basic Training for Gear Manufacturing — Chicago, Illinois
September 21 — Helical Enclosed Drives High Speed Units Committee — WebEx
September 29 — Gear Accuracy Committee — WebEx
October 5-6 — Operator Hobbing and Shaper Cutting Course — Chicago, Illinois
October 12-13 — Wormgearing Committee — WebEx
October 12 — Aerospace Committee — WebEx
October 13 — How to Read & Interpret a Gear Inspection Chart — Virtual Course
October 17-19 — Fall Technical Meeting — Rosemont, Illinois
October 18-20 — Gear Materials Course — Chicago, Illinois
October 25 — Metallurgy & Materials Committee — WebEx
November 2-3 — Operator Precision Gear Grinding — Chicago, Illinois
November 2 — Emerging Technology Webinar — IIoT with Tulip Webinar
November 8 — Gear Accuracy Committee — Webex
November 8 — TDEC Meeting — Webex
November 10 — Helical Gear Rating Committee — Webex