The 2016 AGMA and ABMA Annual Meeting May 12-14 in Amelia Island, Florida


This year marks the end of the first century for both American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) and American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA), and the beginning of another robust 100 years.

From its first Annual Meeting in May 1917, AGMA has created a tradition of members meeting together to share information and build camaraderie that has endured for a century. This tradition will continue during the 2016 meeting with the promise of top-notch speakers, wonderful accommodations, and special networking events — now with the addition of glitz and glamour that has been in the making for the last century.

There’s no doubt that the jointly sponsored 2016 AGMA and ABMA Annual Meeting will create lifelong and lasting memories when the two associations meet May 12-14 at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort.

Our AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting Planning Committee has delivered a world-class speaker lineup. These are real people who tell real stories with real impact. They share knowledge that will provide you and your company with some much-needed updates on several business-related topics. Beyond their presentations, the speakers will give the attendees unprecedented access to their expertise.

Confirmed speakers include Michael Reader, president, Precision Plus, Inc.; David Gergen, editor-at-large, U.S. News & World Report; William Strauss, economic advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Jim Meil, principal industry analyst, ACT Research Co.; Tom Pellette, group president, Construction Industries, Caterpillar, Inc; and featured speaker, Rudy Giuliani, 107th mayor of New York City (1993-2001).

In addition to the presentations, there are nightly social events that offer tremendous networking benefits. You hear the term “networking” everywhere you go. It is associated with trade shows, social gatherings, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social sites. What it means is meeting people, making contacts, connecting, exchanging ideas, and interacting — simple and basic concepts that worked 100 years ago and are just as important for today’s savvy business executives. Not often do we take time to speak eye-to-eye with others in the industry and share issues or discuss everyday challenges. In talking with my colleagues, they all agree that these benefits are priceless. Like me, they look forward to returning, especially this centennial year.

I have been coming to these annual meetings for a long time. I can never remember a time when I did not return home having learned or experienced something of tremendous value. This is one industry event that speaks to a wide range of issues that face every business, whether you are a large multinational corporation or a two-person company. This will hold especially true for 2016. Our combined Annual Meeting Planning Committee has succeeded in creating a stellar lineup of speakers and networking events that will be filled with a lifetime of memories.

If you have never been to one of the AGMA/ABMA Annual Meetings, you will be welcomed by committee members and paired with a veteran attendee, who will immediately make you part of the community. Our committee has designed the meeting agenda with inclusion in mind. No one is considered an outsider.

Omni Amelia Island Plantation will be a fabulous home for this 100th celebration. It is nestled on a barrier island just off the coast of northeast Florida and is the definition of quaint island living at its best. It offers a secluded area for all your ancillary activities, including the resort’s two golf courses. You don’t have to leave the resort to find a wide selection of dining options, a shopping village within walking distance of the hotel, and 3.5 miles of wide, uncrowded beach.

I am looking forward to the 2016 Annual Meeting in May. It’s a great environment, and it undoubtedly sets the stage for some excellent business connections. Don’t overlook the annual Friday golf tournament either. If you’re not sure it’s worth the time or expense, consider that you might miss out on a business opportunity or maybe a new business to investigate. Remember, this is our centennial year, and that alone makes it a once-in-a-lifetime event and one that, I guarantee, you will never forget.

2016 AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting Speakers

The 2016 AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting is pulling out all the stops to celebrate both organizations’ 100th anniversaries. In addition to great networking, the lineup of speakers is designed to bring the best experts and the latest business information to all Annual Meeting attendees. Over three days, attendees will hear from the following world-class speakers:

Principled Leadership: In the Face of Change and Crisis

Mayor Rudy Giuliani

107th Mayor of New York City (1993-2001), Time Magazine “Person of the Year,” and Partner, Bracewell and Giuliani

When Rudy Giuliani began his first mayoral term, he inherited New York City awash with violence, a crumbling infrastructure, a $2.3 billion dollar deficit, and residential flight to the suburbs. A Time magazine cover story summed up the conditions as “The Rotting of the Big Apple.” Ten years later, Time put New York City on its cover again, but this time, it was with praise for Mayor Giuliani and his leadership. The magazine touted New York as America’s safest city where economic development thrived and families flocked to live. Just when New Yorkers were beginning to enjoy the city’s revitalization, the unimaginable hit on 9/11. In an instant, the world changed, and Mayor Giuliani swiftly marshaled his remarkable leadership skills to pull his city, and perhaps the entire nation, through the crisis. Join Mayor Giuliani as he shares his time-tested principles, based on his best-selling book “Leadership,” and how to use these seemingly simple principles to inspire excellence from those around you.

Rudy Giuliani celebrated by many as “Mayor of the World,” has been acclaimed as one of the most effective chief executives in modern American history for his leadership and bravery during 9/11. Following 9/11, Giuliani was presented with an honorary knighthood by the Queen of England and was awarded the Ronald Reagan Presidential Freedom Award.

Workforce Development: How to Attract, Train, and Retain Your Greatest Asset

Michael J. Reader

President, Precision Plus, Inc.

We talk about the skills gap as being the difference between the actual skills required to complete the job versus the actual skills possessed by the employees. But is there more? And if so, how should you, as a power transmission executive, analyze your own workplace and find appropriate solutions? This session will review the underlying causes of the skills gap, the history of the problem, and present solutions you can implement. Join Reader as he shares his playbook that has been instrumental in transforming the perception of manufacturing and offering proven ideas that he is using to attract the best and brightest of the next generation.

2016 National Elections: Issues, Answers, and the Impact on Your Business

David Gergen

Editor-at-Large, U.S. News & World Report, and CNN Commentator

It’s safe to say that politics hasn’t been “business as usual.” We are faced with unlikely outsider candidates as current Republican front-runners; liberal grassroots insurgency in the Democratic race; instability in the financial markets; global terrorism; and hot-button issues such as immigration and our country’s decaying infrastructure. These factors are impacting our election cycle and will continue to do so. The conclusion is that now and looking forward to 2016, we will be facing more significant and ever-changing issues as each week passes.

2016 Economic Update — Prosperity or Problems in a Political Year

William Strauss

Senior Economist and Economic Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

By the summer of 2016, the economic recovery and expansion will prospectively be 7 years old. Will it continue, and if so, will it be at a slower pace, or is there some possibility of acceleration? What is the story on inflation, interest rates, the job market, and business conditions in general? Strauss, a veteran observer and commentator on the U.S. economic scene, will offer his insights.

2016 Industry and International Review –

How Does the Big Picture Impact Industrial Markets at Home and Abroad?

Jim Meil

Principal Industry Analyst, ACT Research Co.

Following the big-picture macroeconomic perspective, Meil will offer his observations on the impact across a spectrum of important industrial markets here at home. Discussion will revolve around both the current conditions surrounding the key industrial/manufacturing sectors and how that interfaces with international economies. He will provide a report card on business conditions for machinery, motor vehicles, off-highway, and capital goods.

Manufacturing America’s Future

Tom Pellette

Group President, Construction Industries, Caterpillar Inc.

Manufacturing is woven throughout the American story — it has built a great nation, and it will continue to light our future. Join Pellette as he provides his perspectives on the future of manufacturing and how it will remain competitive in a global economy. He will focus on the advances in the industry that will be brought by innovation and digital solutions and synthesize how manufacturing will fuel where we go in the 21st century, including how it will inspire people and drive a new-generation economy.

AGMA Releases Several New Publications

AGMA ended 2015 with the publication of six new technical documents.

All of these documents are available free to AGMA members, and non-members may purchase at  

ANSI/AGMA 2015-2-B15, Gear Tooth Flank Tolerance Classification System — Definitions and Allowable Values of Double Flank Radial Composite Deviations establishes a classification system for double flank radial composite tolerances — allowable values of deviations — of individual cylindrical involute gears, sector gears, racks, cylindrical worms, worm gears, and hypoid or bevel gears. It serves as a concise means of specifying allowable gear geometry deviations and simplifies discussions between the gear manufacturer and purchaser. It specifies the appropriate definitions of double flank radial composite gear tooth geometry deviations, the structure of the tolerance system, and the tolerances. This new standard replaces ANSI/AGMA 2015-2-A06.

ANSI/AGMA 6002-C15, Design Guide for Vehicle Spur and Helical Gears and its metric version, 6102-C15, provides the engineer, who is familiar with gear designing, a guide to sound design approaches for vehicle gear applications. Through this standard, the engineer is guided to selecting design considerations paramount to the parallel axis gear sets required in vehicle drivelines. These include tooth and blank proportions, metallurgy, lubrication, profile and lead modification requirements, and gear tooth tolerances. Properties of the commonly used steels and processes for their heat treatment are outlined, as well as details for calculating design limits for bending and contact stresses. This new standard replaces ANSI/AGMA 6002-B93.

ANSI/AGMA 6014-B15, Gear Power Rating for Cylindrical Shell and Trunnion Supported Equipment and its metric version, 6114-B15, specify a method for rating the pitting resistance and bending strength of open or semi-enclosed gearing for use on cylindrical shell and trunnion supported equipment such as grinding mills, kilns, coolers, and dryers. This includes spur, self-aligning spur, single helical, double helical, and herringbone gears made from steel, ductile iron, and austempered ductile iron. Annexes cover installation, alignment, maintenance, combination drives, and lubrication. These new standards replace ANSI/AGMA 6014-A06 and 6114-A06.

AGMA 920-B15, Materials for Plastic Gears aids the gear designer in understanding the unique physical, mechanical, and thermal behavior of plastic materials. The use of plastic materials for gear applications has grown considerably due to cost and performance issues. Growing markets include the automotive, business machine, and consumer-related industries. Topics covered include general plastic material behavior, gear operating conditions, plastic gear manufacturing, tests for gear-related material properties, and typical plastic gear materials. There are no quantitative details on material properties or any comparative evaluations of plastic types. Such specific information is left to be provided by material suppliers and gear manufacturers. This new document replaces AGMA 920-A01.

For more information on the AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting including how to register, visit