2018 AGMA Technical Committee Activity


Thanks to our many hardworking volunteer committee members, AGMA Technical Committees have had another successful year in 2018.  After an eight-year development project that featured volunteers from more than 30 different companies attending at least one meeting, we’ve published a completely new information sheet, AGMA 945-A18, Splines – Design and Application.  One revision project was wrapped up and published in 2018, ANSI/AGMA 9001-C18, Flexible Couplings – Lubrication, while three revision projects were completed by their committees in 2018 but will be published in early 2019, ANSI/AGMA 6025-E19, Sound for Enclosed Helical, Herringbone and Spiral Bevel Gear Drives; ANSI/AGMA 6001-F19, Design and Selection of Components for Enclosed Gear Drives; and ANSI/AGMA 6101-F19, Design and Selection of Components for Enclosed Gear Drives (Metric Edition). 

In addition, eight documents were reaffirmed in 2018, which is the process of our committees reviewing the documents for continued relevance to the industry and technical accuracy. 

Documents reaffirmed in 2018

  • ANSI/AGMA 6015-A13, Power Rating of Single and Double Helical Gearing for Rolling Mill Service.
  • ANSI/AGMA 6115-A13, Power Rating of Single and Double Helical Gearing for Rolling Mill Service (Metric Edition).
  • ANSI/AGMA 6032-B13, Standard for Marine Gear Units: Rating and Application for Spur and Helical Gear Teeth.
  • ANSI/AGMA 6132-B13, Standard for Marine Gear Units: Rating and Application for Spur and Helical Gear Teeth (Metric Edition).
  • AGMA 909-A06, Specifications for Molded Plastic Gears.
  • AGMA 914-B04, Gear Sound Manual.
  • AGMA 927-A01, Load Distribution Factors  — Analytical Methods for Cylindrical Gears.
  • AGMA 939-A07, Austempered Ductile Iron for Gears.

Like a well-designed machine that doesn’t break down, the expert knowledge, meticulous attention to detail, and consensus-building skills of our volunteer members who work hard to develop the standards often go unnoticed in the background.  The benefits of their work, however, are front and center to the gear industry and gear users every day.  In 2019, a sampling of the work AGMA technical committees will be continuing is:

A new revision of ANSI/AGMA 1012, Gear Nomenclature, Definitions of Terms with Symbols, to add more definitions and align better with international standards. Standards such as this help the industry by giving everyone the common language to define various gear elements and related attributes.

A new revision of AGMA 923, Metallurgical Specifications for Steel Gearing, which will add a third grade to through-hardened gears and update the rest of the document to the latest industry practices.  Information sheets such as this will help improve quality of raw materials by providing detailed guidelines on required specifications set by gear designers.

A completely new information sheet titled AGMA 916, Face Gears with Intersecting Perpendicular Axes, offering the latest knowledge and best practices on the subject, will help companies save costly research and development costs of “reinventing the wheel.”

Another brand-new information sheet titled AGMA 944, Mechanisms of Powder Metal Gear Failures.  Having a go-to source to define these gear failures will save time for companies doing failure analyses which will help the bottom line.

The new standard titled AGMA 1107, Tolerance Specification for Form Milling Cutter, provides guidelines and requirements, which will help manufacturers and users of such tools by reducing redundancy and improving interchangeability.

A new revision of ANSI/AGMA 6006, Standard for Design and Specifications of Gearboxes for Wind Turbines will update the information to the latest industry practices.      

A full listing of AGMA technical committees, including a scope of their activities, can be found in the Technical Committees section of the AGMA website, www.agma.org. For additional information about AGMA technical committees, standards, and information sheets, please contact the AGMA Technical Division at tech@agma.org.

For all the valuable contributions of our committee members that help the gear industry and gear users everywhere, we thank you!

Upcoming AGMA Education

Gear Materials, Selection, Metallurgy

March 19-21, 2019 | Las Vegas, Nevada

Learn what is required for the design of an optimum gear set and the importance of the coordinated effort of the gear-design engineer, the gear metallurgist, and the bearing system engineer. Investigate gear-related problems, failures, and improved processing procedures.

Basic Training for Gear Manufacturing

April 1-5, 2019 | Chicago, Illinois

Learn the fundamentals of gear manufacturing in this hands-on course. Gain an understanding of gearing and nomenclature, principles of inspection, gear-manufacturing methods, and hobbing and shaping. Using manual machines, develop a deeper breadth of perspective and understanding of the process and physics of making a gear, as well as the ability to apply this knowledge in working with CNC equipment commonly in use.

This course is taught at Daley College. A shuttle bus is available each day to transport students to and from the hotel.

Gearbox System Design

April 23-25, 2019 | Charlotte, North Carolina

This course focuses on the supporting elements of a gearbox that allow gears and bearings to do their jobs most efficiently. Learn about seals, lubrication, lubricants, housings, breathers, and other details that go into designing gearbox systems

Online Education

Don’t have the ability to come to one of AGMA’s fantastic face-to-face courses? We understand that you are busy, and that is why we offer online education to meet your schedule. Now you can grow your gear knowledge, get the same quality AGMA education, and save money on travel by learning directly at your own computer. 

AGMA’s online education courses include:

  • Gear Failure Analysis
  • Gearbox CSI: Gears Only
  • Detailed Gear Design–Beyond Simple Service Factors
  • Fundamentals of Gearing
  • Hobbing
  • Parallel Gear Inspection

Check out AGMA online education at: www.agma.org/education/online

AGMA Announces New MPT Conference at Motion + Power Technology Expo

The new Motion + Power Technology Expo (MPT Expo), formerly Gear Expo, will offer a new opportunity for attendees to learn from industry experts in a two-track seminar series called the MPT Conference during the inaugural event October 15-17 at the Cobo Center in Detroit, Michigan.

Subject matter experts will be providing the most up-to-date information in 45-minute presentation/Q&A sessions. Topics in the Know Your Business Track (business intelligence track) will include: cybersecurity, blockchain, workforce and supply chain.  Presentations in the Be Prepared for the Future (emerging technology track) will include IoT, 3D-printed metal, robotics, and electric drive technology.

For the full press release or more information, visit: https://motionpowerexpo.com/

Applications for the 2019 Scholarship Awards are due in the Foundation office by July 1, 2019

The AGMA Foundation Scholarship Program is open to students interested in a career in the gear industry, and/or a career in power transmission as it relates to the gear industry. Applicants must be currently enrolled, or recently accepted, as a full- or part-time student in a nationally accredited program. Annual scholarships are awarded to students at the Technical/Associate, Undergraduate, and Graduate-school levels. Preference is given to applicants with current or recent experience working in the gear and/or power-transmission industry.

For more information, please visit: agmafoundation.org/our-work/scholarship-program/

U.S. Economic and Gear Industry Outlook

Financial markets entered the new year facing increased volatility, but will that slow growth? Economic data has been mostly good, especially jobs numbers.  A slowdown does not imply that a recession is on the horizon. Hear the latest economic data affecting the gearing industry.

AGMA’s economists from IHS Economics will review current market conditions and present their outlook for the general economy, key sectors, mechanical power transmission, and the user markets for your products.

Welcome to AGMA’s Newest Members

  • TU Dresden – Institut fuer Maschinenelemente und Maschinenkonstruktion
  • Vijay Gears
  • ECM USA, Inc.
  • Mistequay Group Ltd.
  • Edgerton Gear, Inc.
  • Cleveland State University
  • Johnson Controls
  • Euro Gear
  • Penn State University, The Behrend College
  • Envision Energy USA Ltd.
  • Conic Systems
  • W. Culler Chapman
  • HM Manufacturing
  • THORs ELearning Solutions, LLC
  • Custom Machine & Mechanical Services Ltd.
  • International Precision Machining, Inc
  • P A Pinions
  • Penn State Berks
  • Radiac Abrasives, A TYROLIT Company