AGMA is Looking for “A Few Good Men and Women”


Since its creation almost 100 years ago, the development of technical standards and information sheets has been the cornerstone of AGMA’s mission. Throughout the years the AGMA has fulfilled this mission through the dedicated involvement and valuable contributions of its members participating in more than 20 various technical committees. With well over 80 current standards and information sheets, AGMA continues helping the gearing industry worldwide. Thanks to the recent advances in the Internet, especially in the area of virtual meetings, involvement in the activities of these technical committees are no longer geographically bound to a single location. Holding meetings on the World Wide Web has allowed AGMA members from Europe, South America, India, and other parts of the world to attend and collaborate with their collogues on various issues including the development of new standards and information sheets.

You can help to shape tomorrow’s standards for the gear industry by joining one of AGMA’s Technical Committees. The Technical Committees address a wide range of critical gearing topics, from load capacity and lubrication to accuracy and inspection, and serving on a technical committee is one of the best ways to further your gearing knowledge. Not only can you contribute your expertise, you can learn from and network with colleagues from across the country. The AGMA is always looking for new volunteers for its technical committees.

The following is just a brief outline of current activities within some of the AGMA Technical Committees. For more information on these activities and or committee membership, contact me at via telephone or e-mail.

Computer Programming Committee
This committee is currently working on an update of the Gear Rating Suite to reflect revisions made to the rating standards and to expand the software’s potential. The committee plans to release the new version around early fall.

Nomenclature Committee
The committee continues development of the next version of AGMA 1010, the popular standard that defines failure modes, including review and modification of the terminology and descriptions and addition of new enhanced color photographs.

Plastics Gearing Committee
This committee is working on a new project to develop an information sheet on plastic gear inspection and test methods. It identifies the unique characteristics of molded plastic gears that influence the accuracy and/or repeatability of gear measurements.

Powder Metallurgy (PM) Gearing Committee
The committee has been working on a follow-on information sheet on the rating of helical gears and has started work on a new information sheet on powder metallurgy material specifications.

Cutting Tools Committee
This committee is currently pursuing the development of a standard that addresses the accuracy of spline hobs. The committee recently published a new standard on shaper cutters tolerance specification.

Sound & Vibration Committee
The committee continues their work on an information sheet on condition monitoring and diagnostics for gears and gear units. This is one of the AGMA technical committees with regular web meetings attended by members from France and Argentina.

Mill Gearing Committee
This committee continues work on the next version of the AGMA 6015 on gearing for rolling mill service. In addition, the committee just recently voted to start a new project to revise AGMA 6014 on power rating for cylindrical shell and trunnion supported equipment. To manage and guide the revision work effectively, the committee has formed a subcommittee of interested members to focus solely on this revision process.

Industrial Enclosed Drive Committee
This committee has recently approved a new project to revise AGMA 6013 on enclosed drive design. As part of the new revision, the committee is considering whether to include a section on the design of gear drives for crane applications. In addition, the committee has decided to start a new project to update AGMA 6001 to expand the section on housing design.

Wormgearing Committee
This committee is working on upgrading AGMA 6034 on worm gear rating to reflect advancements in materials and lubrication. In addition, as the TAG to ISO WG7, the committee will be participating on the new project to develop a new document on the geometry of worm gear meshing.

Flexible Couplings Committee
The committee will be working on a new project to revise AGMA 9002 “Bores and Keyways for Flexible Couplings- Inch Series” and its metric version. The committee has completed two new documents (AGMA 9000-DXX “Flexible Couplings-Potential Unbalance Classification” and its metric version) for publication later this year.

Spline Committee
This newly formed committee has begun developing an Information Sheet on involute splines to address issues relating to spline nomenclature, rating, application, maintenance, and failure.

High Speed Enclosed Drive Committee
The committee has begun a new project to revise AGMA 6011 on high-speed drive specifications.

Wind Turbine Drives Committee
Serving as the TAG to the IEC/ISO Joint Working Group (JWG), this committee has been assisting on expanding the scope of the international standard based on our AGMA 6006. In addition, the committee has started discussion on a possible new project to revise AGMA 6006.

Energy Efficiency Committee
As their first project, this committee is currently working on the development of a “System Assessment Tool” which would calculate the overall nominal energy efficiency of a power transmission system.

We are always looking for a few good men and women to serve on these committees. If you would like to become involved with the valuable work of the Technical Committees, e-mail or call AGMA headquarters at (703) 684-0211 for details.

Stay Connected to the Gear Industry
Are you staying in touch with the latest news from the gear industry? In the Internet age it is sometimes hard to find the information and news that you want, when you want it. AGMA has several tools available to everyone in the gear industry so that you can keep on top of the issues that effect you.

The AGMA Website——is updated daily with industry news and other information pertinent to the gear industry. Register for events, download publications, explore online training, locate peers, and more. Is your company linked to the AGMA Web site? Request a copy of our logo today at

The AGMA Newsletters/Gear Industry Update is a biweekly (Thursdays) e-mail that informs subscribers of AGMA and industry activities—pertinent news, updates on legislative actions, events and meetings, new programs, and an extensive list of recently posted press releases from all the AGMA members. Available only to AGMA members. The AGMA NewsBrief is a weekly (Tuesdays) summary of general news stories on the industry from reputable news sources. If you are not receiving these newsletters and would like to, visit or e-mail Mary Ellen Doran, web manager, at

The Industry Product Locator is a comprehensive, searchable list of members’ and nonmembers’ product and service offerings. The guide also lists all companies and contacts for each product or service offering, and it is available at

AGMA is committed to help its members compete more effectively in today’s global marketplace, and to keep the gear industry moving forward.  Take full advantage of these resources!