Filling Some Gaps in Spline Design Guidelines: Centering, Friction, and Misalignment
Editor’s note: At the author’s request, some statements have been removed for clarity since the article was originally published in October, […]
The Good Life for Reconditioned Thread Grinders
How many times can a thread grinder be reincarnated? So far, four–but stay tuned. Twenty-eight Jones & Lamson thread grinders […]
Inside Splines
What is a spline? According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (fourth edition, 2000), a spline is […]
Side Fit Spline Profiles
Splines are necessary for many reasons. In addition to transmission of torque, spline profiles are used to find and centralize […]
Form Rolling for Finishing Powder Metal Gears
In this article we introduce a finish rolling process for sintered Fe alloy gears using a new CNC form rolling […]