Initiatives That You Helped Make Possible


Founded by AGMA members in 1994 to finance AGMA’s ISO programs for technical standards, the AGMA Foundation later expanded its efforts to other areas of research and workforce education.  The Foundation is currently focused on addressing the educational and research needs of the gear industry workforce. Your gifts allow the Foundation to fund strategic initiatives that make a difference.

Education and Training:
Ongoing scholarships to assist engineering students whose programs focus on gear technology or gear research.  In 2012, the AGMA Foundation Board of Trustees awarded a $5,000 scholarship to Tyler O’Brien, an undergraduate mechanical engineering student at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The hands-on program that O’Brien is enrolled in begins with courses in calculus, pneumatics, hydraulics, and basic mechanical systems. Later, courses include advanced physics and mechanical systems, as well as paid co-operatives in national companies. “While my education in this program will be diverse, it will also provide me with opportunities to focus my learning on gear manufacturing and design, particularly in the area of 3-D modeling,” says O’Brien.

Grants from the Foundation enabled AGMA to create web-based versions of two popular courses: Gear Failure Analysis and Detailed Gear Design. In addition to making the courses available to those who are unable to travel to live course locations, web-based versions preserve the presentations by instructors Bob Erichello and Ray Drago for the future.

– A Foundation-funded contaminated lubricants study at Columbia University is examining the influence of particle contaminants in order to propose solutions that save costs and extend gear life.
– A Foundation-funded examination of prediction of micropitting at Ohio State University is providing models and contact patterns that describe the conditions when micropitting does and does not occur.

More great work for the industry will occur thanks to your support.  Please make a pledge to the Annual Campaign at!

There’s More at Gear Expo Than Exhibits
Over its history, Gear Expo has become known as the world’s only conference and expo designed exclusively for the gear industry. For three days, thousands of gear buyers and manufacturers from around the United States, international manufacturing hubs, and emerging markets collaborate, network, and build relationships that benefit their respective companies.  But while Gear Expo is known for the quality of its exhibitors and attendees, many people don’t know about the quality education that the show has to offer as well.

First of all, AGMA’s Fall Technical Meeting is held in conjunction with Gear Expo, bringing the world’s foremost experts in gearing to the event to present the latest in power transmission research and manufacturing techniques. This is a unique opportunity in the industry to ask questions of the researchers and learn from your peers.

Additionally, Gear Expo will offer six seminars over the three days of the show—whether you are new to the industry or a seasoned pro, there is a seminar for you.  The courses are:

Training School for Gear Manufacturing
Tuesday, September 17 – Thursday, September 19
Instructor: Mike Tennutti of Gleason Cutting Tools Corp.
Over three, half-day presentations, you can dramatically improve your knowledge and productivity through this classroom-only version of AGMA’s popular “Basic Course” of the Training School for Gear Manufacturing.  This course will be presented in three half-day sessions that will give you in-depth training in standard nomenclature, gear involute geometry, inspection procedures, and much more.

Why Bearings Fail
Tuesday, September 17
Presented by: American Bearing Manufacturers Association
This half-day course shows how, in most cases, understanding the causes around bearing failures results is critical to avoiding down time and improving performance. This course will be a basic primer for addressing the most common causes of bearing failures in gearboxes and related equipment. Participants will have the opportunity to see and touch examples of failed bearings and work together to brainstorm reasons for failure and how the issue could have been avoided. The course will provide both OEMs and end-users valuable insights into bearing designs, features, and proper bearing applications.

Where Do I Start? The Preliminary Gear Design Thought Process
Tuesday, September 17
Instructor: Raymond Drago, Drive Systems Technology
Designing a gear and not sure where to start? Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a leading expert in the industry, Ray Drago. Regardless of the application, this full-day course will get you started in the right direction. Ray Drago will walk you through the process and a list of items every gear designer should consider.

How to Organize and Manage a Failure Investigation
Wednesday, September 18
Instructor: Robert Errichello, GEARTECH
This full-day program, from leading failure analysis expert Bob Errichello, will show how a properly managed failure investigation can provide valuable feedback about how a component performs. It might uncover shortcomings or weakness in design, manufacture, quality control, maintenance, or operation, and it can provide information for improvements that prevent future failure.

In some cases, the failure investigation assesses liability and determine whether a failure was a unique event or a symptom of a wider problem. In this seminar, you will learn proven techniques for organizing and managing a failure investigation that will maximize your chances of identifying the failure mode and the root cause of the failure, and help you recommend repairs or improvements to prevent future failures.

Materials Selection and Heat Treatment of Gears
Thursday, September 19
Presented by: AGMA and ASM International
Gears, because of their unique contribution to the operation of so many machines and mechanical devices, have received special attention from the technical community for more than two millennia. New developments in gear technology, particularly from the materials and heat treatment perspectives, have improved gear performance. Participants will identify the various types of materials commonly used for gears, evaluate the manufacturability and cost implications of specific material choices, and relate materials selection and manufacturing methods to gear performance.  This course, developed jointly by AGMA and ASM International, will provide an overview of materials selection and heat treatment of gears.

Inspection Criteria for Gearboxes
Thursday, September 19
Instructor: Rick Schrama, Tribological Services
In this one-day course, inspection criteria for industrial gearboxes will provide a great overview of typical gearbox designs and condition monitoring techniques, as well as gearbox inspection methods and frequencies. It is a great education opportunity for maintenance mechanics and millwrights, gear technical sales and/or service representatives, mechanical maintenance engineers, reliability engineers, gearbox designers, and maintenance foremen.

Take advantage of all the opportunities that Gear Expo has to offer by attending one of these education programs.  By registering for an education program, you will receive free admission to both the Gear Expo and ASM Heat Treat Exposition show floors. All of these programs are open for registration at Seats are limited for all events so register today before they sell out.

The 2013 AGMA Fall Technical Meeting will take place immediately before the Gear Expo.
For more detailed presentation abstracts and to register, visit or

AGMA to Hold International Business Conference in Dublin
The AGMA International Business Conference brings together CEOs, business owners, and senior managers from the gear and power transmission industry to meet, network, and examine critical business issues currently affecting the industry.

The business norm is change—rapid change. Market cycles are getting shorter. Customers are placing new demands on suppliers. International partnerships are no longer optional; they are requirements for success. Technology is changing daily.

Does your company respond to this constant change in the marketplace? Is your company merely surviving or does it react quickly and exceed customers’ expectations?  Best practices in a continuous growth company require three elements:  proper tools and techniques, a high performance culture, and leadership excellence. AGMA’s International Business Conference will challenge attendees to develop a strategy for growth through continuous change that involves each of these elements.

Conference Design:
Using panel discussions, individual and team presentations, breakout sessions, and one-to-one consulting, the IBC’s two facilitators, Steve Barnhart, senior executive advisor, Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center and Randy Kunkel, CEO, Catalyst International, will guide the international participants.

Attendees will enjoy and learn from rich networking opportunities with other leaders in the industry and leave the conference with customized, practical applications for best practices in their companies.

While providing a robust program for attendees, the IBC also provides time to explore the host city and country. An engaging program will be available for spouses and guests to immerse themselves in Irish culture.  Come explore Dublin, the capitol of Ireland. Dublin is a city steeped in history beginning with the Viking invasion and extending through the middle, Georgian, and Victorian ages. Today Dublin is a culturally diverse city that is home to the youngest population of any city in the European Union.

For more information visit or e-mail Joe Franklin at