Online exclusive: How many mils is your coating?
Instantaneous handheld coating thickness gauges that can be operated by virtually any technician deliver lab-quality readings even on curved and […]
Effects of Asymmetric Cutter Tip Radii on Gear Tooth Root Bending Stress
By Dr. Abdullah Akpolat, Dr. Nihat Yildirim, Burak Sahin, Omer Yildirim, Bulent Karatas, and Fatih Erdogan Tooth root fillet is the […]
INSPECTION & METROLOGY: The State of Measurement Technology
What are the trends you have seen in measurement technology in recent years? Due to an increasing national demand and […]
Non-Destructive Electromagnetic Structure Testing
Steel structures depend on alloy and heat treatment for durability and strength. Ferritic and martensitic structures behave ferromagnetically, and austenitic […]
Engineered Heat Treatment for Stronger Aerospace Gears
It is well established that carburization of low alloy steels promotes compressive residual surface stress upon quenching, and that compressive […]
Determining the Source of Gear Whine Noise
Gear whine noise, particularly in consumer products such as motor vehicles and appliances, is an important and annoying problem. This […]