Earth-Chain Workholding Products at IMTS


Working together, EZ-Lift material handling magnets and MagVISE magnetic workholding systems are proven to reduce setup and part changeover times by 50 percent or more compared to traditional material handling and workholding methods, including clamps and vises. Thousands of customers use its magnetic products to lift, move, and hold their material more quickly and efficiently than ever before.

For workholding Earth-Chain offers EEPM electro-permanent magnetic chucks and ECB permanent magnetic vises (shown in photo). Both solutions provide fast, powerful workholding with tons of holding power and can be customized to suit your application with induction blocks, subplates, and work stops as needed. EZ-Lift material handling magnets have the highest built-in safety factor in the industry—3.5 times capacity, and they are rated to lift up to 6,600 lbs. They come in six sizes and have dozens of uses around the shop.

To learn more call (877) 354-3837 or go to [].