AGMA member benefits help companies forecast on macro and micro levels


How will the recent bank problems play out to the wider economy? What impacts, if any, will be felt by manufacturing? As the war continues in Europe, how will this affect manufacturers globally? Will our labor markets continue to remain unsustainably tight? And, how will all of this directly affect the gear industry?

These are questions that we tackle through the AGMA Statistical Program provided to its members. AGMA member companies can receive market intelligence information from several partner companies. From the flagship product, The Gear Market Report (GMR) to our newest Manufacturing Industry Outlook (MIO) Tracker, we are constantly working to get more relevant and usable information into your hands.

The Gear Market Report (GMR) has been compiled for more than a decade by economists Tom Ruinewicz and Scott Hazelton from S&P (formerly IHS Market). These reports are published the first week of February, May, August, and November. All corporate and associate-member company employees who can access their benefits through the AGMA store can download these quarterly reports and use them in many ways.

The GMR is a comprehensive snapshot of the gear industry. The report includes a baseline forecast, as well as optimistic and pessimistic forecasts, including the important factors that may cause the changes. And it provides specific information for the gear industry and its markets. Beyond the macro-level information, the economists use data from the AGMA MMTR and the U.S. Department of Commerce to develop an econometric model for demand for gearing products from 10 user industries. These industries include: industrial machinery, construction machinery, farm machinery, commercial & service machinery, machine & other tool equipment, power-generation equipment, mining, oil and gas field equipment, ship & offshore platform, railroad equipment, and aerospace. The report contains more than 100 slides of information.

In addition to the May report each year, Tom and Scott produce a webinar for AGMA members. The webinar this year will be May 9, 2023, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. The first hour will include the latest updates from Tom on all the factors outside our industry affecting the economy right now. He will talk about global shifts that will affect manufacturing. He will discuss the current state of recession and more. Additionally, each year we request a special report for members; this year, Scott is putting together a special report on bearings that will also include a look at the steel market. You can sign up for the webinar on the AGMA website. Again, this is free to all employees of AGMA member companies. This year, we are also extending a free invitation to ABMA members to attend the webinar.

I just recently posted the questionnaire for one of our other important products: the Operating Ratio Report (ORR). The ORR is the benchmarking report for the gear industry. It is the annual profitability survey of AGMA members, an industry-wide report profiling the financial and operating performance of AGMA members. If you ever wanted to compare your company to your competition, this is the report for you. The final report provides detailed aggregate information showing typical results in contract to high-profit firms. What are others doing that you may be able to take advantage of to increase your bottom line? Well, all you have to do is participate to see this report and find out. Only AGMA member companies can participate in this one, and only those that participate will be able to receive a copy. You can download the Excel questionnaire today and return it directly to The Mackay Research Group by June 30.

Finally, if you are not aware, AGMA has been working with Interact Analysis for more than the last year. They have provided their Manufacturing Industry Outlook (MIO) Tracker. This report is a static version of their product that covers 102 detailed sectors. They are working to create as much granularity as reasonably possible to allow deeper insights into the global manufacturing economy. And the report, as our others, is available to AGMA members as part of your member benefits.

We will continue to seek out information for our members that will offer insights into market research on a variety of sectors that affect the gear industry. Keep checking back on our website for more information, or go there now to download the February GMR or the ORR questionnaire.

Upcoming Training Events

Gear Failure Analysis
May 16-18 | Chicago, Illinois | In-person course

Explore gear failure analysis in this hands-on seminar where students not only see slides of failed gears but can hold and examine more than 130 specimens with the same failure modes covered in the seminar. Approximately half of the course time consists of students in groups identifying failure modes on failed gears and working on a case study. Microscopes are available to examine failed specimens.

Managing Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Compliance and Supply Chain Risks
May 17 | Webinar

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) continues to aggressively enforce the ban on imports that contain forced labor inputs. Increasingly, this is affecting supply chains in the transportation and equipment sectors, as CBP and some congressional stakeholders seek to hold automakers and manufacturers accountable for careful vetting of their supply chains. In this webinar, we will discuss the latest compliance requirements, enforcement cases, and steps that bearing and gear companies can take to ensure their operations are not adversely affected.

Alternative Marketing Efforts: Don’t Kill Them with Emails
May 24 | Webinar

Many companies use traditional platforms for marketing and see a great return. However, if you are looking for newer and unique ways to expand your brand recognition and gather new business, it might be time to try some new methods such as content marketing, sponsorships, partnerships for events, and more. Come hear it from Membership and Communications Director Rebecca Brinkley on why these unique channels can make your brand synonymous with quality and expert-driven innovation.

Fundamentals of Gear Design & Analysis
June 6-8 | Rosemont, Illinois | In-person course

Gain a solid and fundamental understanding of gear geometry, types and arrangements, and basic design principles. Starting with the basic definitions of gears, conjugate motion, and the Laws of Gearing, learn the tools needed to understand the inter-relation and coordinated motion operating within gear pairs and multi-gear trains. Basic gear system design process, gear measurement, and inspection techniques also will be explained. In addition, the fundamentals of understanding the stepwise process of working through the iterative design process required to generate a gear pair will be reviewed. Learn the steps and issues involved in design refinement and some manufacturing considerations. An explanation of basic gear measurement techniques, how measurement equipment and test machines implement these techniques, and how to interpret the results from these basic measurements also will be covered.

2023 Strategic Networking & Leadership Forum

The 2023 AGMA Strategic Networking & Leadership (SNL) Forum will be in Fort Worth, Texas, May 17-19.

The SNL Forum offers robust, peer-focused networking opportunities to mid-level managers and next-generation executives in the gear industry, giving attendees new tools to use in a rapidly changing industry and economy.

The event features educational opportunities in business training through exposure to both leadership and emerging technology resources and hands-on learning with a tour of a future-focused industry facility.

This year’s event will include a tour of the Bell Helicopter facility, the lauded makers of vertical-lift aircraft.

More info:

Calendar of Events

May 16 — Nomenclature Committee — WebEx

May 16-18 — Gear Failure Analysis — Chicago, Illinois

May 17 — Managing Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Compliance and Supply Chain Risks — Webinar

May 17-19 — Strategic Networking & Leadership Forum — Fort Worth, Texas

June 5-8 — Advanced Concepts of Bearing Technology — Rosemont, Illinois

June 6-8 — Fundamentals of Gear Design & Analysis — Oakbrook, Illinois

June 7 — Helical Gear Rating Committee — WebEx

June 8 — Aerospace Gearing Committee — WebEx

June 8 — Emerging Tech – Electric Vehicles Committee — WebEx

June 14  — Technical Division Executive Committee — WebEx

June 15 — Gear Accuracy Committee — WebEx

June 20-22 — Gearbox Systems Design — Clearwater Beach, Florida

June 21  — Cybersecurity Compliance for US Government Contractors — Webinar

June 27 — Design Basics of Spur & Helical Gears — Online Course

June 28 — Re-branding – When and If it is a Good Time to Rebrand Your Company — Webinar

June 29 — Analytical Gear Chart Interpretation — Online Course