STLE appoints Jack McKenna as 2024-2025 president

Jack McKenna

The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) — the technical society serving individuals, companies, and organizations that comprise the tribology and lubrication engineering business sector — announced that Jack McKenna, vice president of corporate accounts for Sea-Land Chemical Co. in Cleveland, Ohio, assumed the role of 2024-2025 president for a one-year term effective May 21, 2024.

McKenna will serve as the society’s principal executive officer and chair of its board of directors. During his one-year term, he will focus on STLE local sections and scholarships.

“Jack’s knowledge and contributions to STLE make him an ideal choice to lead the charge for our technical society,” said Rebecca Lintow, CAE, STLE executive director. “His extensive experience and accomplishments will make a positive impact on STLE and will benefit our members.”

McKenna is a native Chicagoan and graduate of Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York. He has more than 30 years of experience in the specialty chemical distribution industry. He has served in a number of positions in his 27 years with Sea-Land Chemical Co.

McKenna is the past chair of the STLE Chicago Section (2005), where he has been an active member of the executive committee for more than 20 years. He also served STLE as a board member from 2009-2015 in sections affairs, the audit committee, and strategic planning.

Joining him on the STLE executive committee for the 2024-2025 term are vice president, Kevin Delaney (Vanderbilt Chemicals Co.); secretary, Steffen Bots (LUBESERV); treasurer, Dr. William B. Anderson (Afton Chemical Corp.); immediate past president, Dr. Hong Liang (Texas A&M University); and STLE executive director Rebecca Lintow.

“STLE is such a diverse community, and my plan is to engage with all parts in the coming year and learn what we can do to make our shared experience even better,” said McKenna. “My hope is to reinvigorate local section activities and increase knowledge about and participation in the Scholarship and Investments for the Future Fund (SIFF).”