Who is Ronald Wayne, and what does he have to do with MPT Expo?


The Motion + Power Technology Expo (MPT Expo) is happening October 17-19 in Detroit, Michigan, this year. At AGMA, we have a lot of gear-industry professionals — new and seasoned – who, when asked if they want to exhibit, reply with, “I think we are going to walk the show this year and exhibit if we find it helpful next show.” We love that people are interested enough to come to the show and witness the amazing companies ready to do business in person, often bringing their top sales teams and decision makers to the floor, but we want our cake and want to eat it too – in other words, we want you to show off your great products, as well. And, if I can add, we don’t want this to be a one-way win; we want you to get quality leads and make lasting business relationships.

Which brings us to Ronald Wayne. What does he have to do with MPT Expo? Well, he is the person who decided to “walk the show and exhibit later,” but this time the “show” was Apple Computer Company (now Apple Inc.). Wayne was an electronics and engineering industry businessman who partnered originally with Steve Jobs and Steven Wozniak with 10 percent shares of their new company to his name. Only 12 days into the venture, he sold his shares back for $800! It is fair to say, all these years later, Wayne probably should have stayed with his investment and waited it out. Or, as I am defining for this blog, he should have been the exhibitor.

Ronald Wayne was an electronics and engineering industry businessman who partnered originally with Steve Jobs and Steven Wozniak in their new company, Apple Computer Company.
Ronald WayneRonald Wayne

Registration for MPT Expo is officially open, and please feel free to come to the show if you don’t have a reason to exhibit. But, if you are waiting for the right time to invest in your company and showcase the amazing work you do while meeting real decision makers for the global power transmission industry, then now is the time – not two years from now. Here are the reasons why:

1: Attending trade shows is believed to be helpful by 79 percent of the attendees in making purchase decisions. ([2023] 150+ Trade Show Stats That Reveal All — Trade Show Labs)

2: Companies can see a 4:1 return on investment (ROI) for their trade show expenditures. ([2023] 150+ Trade Show Stats That Reveal All — Trade Show Labs)

3: Numbers are looking good, and 2023 is the year to capitalize on the return to in-person events. Among completed events, 23.6 percent have surpassed their pre-pandemic levels of the CEIR Total Index.(CEIR Index Reports Trade Show Industry Rebound Continues – Trade Show Executive)

4: Your competitors are there, which means they will get their products in front of your customers and have one-on-one time with buyers. If you are not there showing off your brand, you will miss out. Trade show attendees are 72 percent more likely to buy from an exhibitor they have met at a trade show than from a competitor they have not met. ([2023] 150+ Trade Show Stats That Reveal All — Trade Show Labs)

5: The global supply chain is changing rapidly, and businesses that are at tradeshows have the advantage of creating partners and relationships that might allow them to lock in current pricing for years to come, no matter what happens in the economy. It isn’t just about selling at tradeshows; it can be about finding your own suppliers, too.

6: At MPT Expo, as with other tradeshows, your brand will get exposure, but so will your staff; 57 percent of businesses believe their tradeshow staff acquire new skills from attending these events. ([2023] 150+ Trade Show Stats That Reveal All — Trade Show Labs)

MPT Expo is a great way to market your company’s products and grow brand recognition. Financially, it is a proven ROI and what was formerly known as Gear Expo, has very reasonable booth prices ($29 per square foot). There are education sessions, live presentations, subject-matter experts, technical engineers, decision makers, and, most importantly, every gear you can think of for your power-transmission solutions. If you are planning on waiting to exhibit, there are a hundred more reasons like the ones listed above that demonstrate why you shouldn’t. Don’t be like Ronald Wayne and miss out on what could be the best business decision of your life. We look forward to seeing you there, and please contact us at: agmasales@ntpevents.com, and we will get you all set up.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Gearbox Systems Design

June 20-22 | Clearwater Beach, Florida | In-person course

This course focuses on the supporting elements of a gearbox that allow gears and bearings to do their jobs most efficiently. Learn about seals, lubrication, lubricants, housings, breathers, and other details that go into designing gearbox systems.

Cybersecurity Compliance for U.S. Government Contractors

June 21 | Webinar

From suppliers of commercial off-the-shelf products to prime contractors, all companies doing business with the U.S. government or participating in federally funded projects are being scrutinized like never before to ensure their data and systems meet the latest cybersecurity standards. Join us for a roundtable discussion with a panel of cybersecurity and government contract law specialists as we discuss the latest risks and best practices that every company receiving federal dollars should know.

Design Basics for Spur & Helical Gears

June 27 | Online course

Learn how to develop and understand customer gear-drive application specifications and target performance expectations. Review, calculate, and select basic gear terminology variables and design parameters that define tooth bending and contact rating safety factors on two real-life examples. Learn how to optimize gear fatigue safety factors for a given target design life and fit new gear designs and ratios into existing center distance using profile shift. Use commercially available software to develop gear-geometry factors and calculate and optimize gear set power density and performance. Review common gear-failure modes if the design or final accuracy does not meet application requirements.  Discuss time and cost of more than 20 other gear drive component functions and drive development steps through prototypes to shipment of compliant assembled production drives. There will be an opportunity to discuss gear design challenges that may be unique to participant industries.

Re-branding – When and If it is a Good Time to Re-brand Your Company

June 28 | Webinar

Sometimes the answer to keeping up with the industry is giving your company a re-brand. This can come in many forms, and so we are bringing branding expert, Jenny Blackford, VP, Business Division, AGMA, who has more than two decades of experience, to teach you the important things to think about when considering a new look, name, or overhaul of the company brand. No stranger to this process, Blackford led AGMA in the re-branding process of their tradeshow from Gear Expo to Motion + Power Technology Expo and will go over where to start, how to handle opposition, and what measurements to use for success during your transition along with many other tools to help you get it right.

Analytical Gear Chart Interpretation

June 29 | Online course

This course is an introduction to the methodology of analytical gear inspection and the evaluation and interpretation of the resulting data. The application of this information to identify and correct manufacturing errors will begin to be explored. Additionally, it reviews chart interpretation and applies inspection data to understand the causes and cures of manufacturing errors. Many chart examples are used to understand cause and effect.

Registration for 2023 Motion + Power Technology Expo Now Open

The 2023 Motion + Power Technology (MPT) Expo will be in Detroit, Michigan, October 17-19. Registration for the event is now open. The Motion + Power Technology Expo is a three-day show that connects professionals looking for motion-power solutions with manufacturers, suppliers, and buyers.

Find new power transmission parts, materials, and manufacturing processes. Buy, sell, and get business done with organizations in aerospace, automotive, agricultural, energy, construction, and more. Forge partnerships at one of the largest gatherings of CEOs, owners, engineers, sales managers, and other professionals in the electric, fluid, mechanical, and gear industries.

MORE INFO  motionpowerexpo.com

Calendar of Events

June 15 — Gear Accuracy Committee — WebEx

June 20-22 — Gearbox Systems Design — Clearwater Beach, Florida

June 21  — Cybersecurity Compliance for US Government Contractors — Webinar

June 27 — Design Basics of Spur & Helical Gears — Online Course

June 28 — Re-branding – When and If it is a Good Time to Rebrand Your Company — Webinar

June 29 — Analytical Gear Chart Interpretation — Online Course

July 11-13 — Detailed Gear Design — Alexandria, Virginia

July 13 — Helical Enclosed Drives High Speed Units Committee — Webinar

July 14 — Emerging Tech – Electric Vehicles Committee — Webinar

July 18 — Flexible Couplings Committee — Webinar

July 19 — U.S. Defense Policy Update — Webinar

July 25-26 — Operator Precision Gear Grinding — Online Course

July 25-28 — Wormgearing Committee — Newcastle, U.K.

July 26 — Lubrication Committee — Webinar

July 26 — Tradeshow Marketing – How to Get Your Customers to the Event — Webinar