Forest City Gear welcomes virtual visitors to its manufacturing facilities

Forest City Gear offers a virtual tour of its facilities as well as welcoming in-person customer visits. (Courtesy: Forest City Gear)

Forest City Gear, an industry-leading manufacturer of fine and medium pitch custom gears, welcomes visitors to virtually tour the Roscoe-based company’s manufacturing facilities via the company’s website.

This recently launched tool offers virtual visitors 360-degree views of 30-plus locations across Forest City Gear’s primary and secondary facilities and highlights the company’s state-of-the-art equipment and capabilities for gear shaping, grinding, hobbing, inspection, and engineering services.

“One of Forest City Gear’s key differentiators has always been a commitment to maintaining our facilities to the highest standards and continuously reinvesting in the most technically advanced equipment available,” said Kika Young, president of Forest City Gear. “As COVID-related safety measures and travel restrictions made in-person tours impossible, we were looking for a way to continue sharing that experience with our customers. And while COVID mitigations have relaxed and we’re again able to welcome in-person customer visits, this virtual experience offers broader reach to share facilities updates, new equipment, expanded capabilities, etc., all in real time.”