Precision machining with abrasive brushes
Abrasive brushes are useful tools in all sorts of applications. They’ve been around for many years and are used every day in all types...
6 Benefits of AR in manufacturing
Manufacturers are increasingly incorporating augmented reality in their digital transformation strategy. Augmented reality provides a multiplier effect for improving the efficiency and quality of...
Investigations on the tooth root bending strength of larger-sized, induction-hardened gears
Surface hardening is an economical and technological alternative to case hardening. This is especially true for larger-sized gears. Due to the necessary high case-hardening...
High-performance plastics in automotive actuator applications
Over the last two decades, the automotive industry has been putting great effort into reducing vehicle emissions by developing highly efficient modern internal combustion...
Advanced SAM validates integrity of diffusion bonds
Industries with demanding metal-bonding applications are increasingly relying on diffusion bonding, an essential joining method for achieving a high-purity interface between two similar or...
Update on live tooling
Live tooling, as a component on a lathe, is specifically manipulated by the CNC to perform various milling, drilling, and other operations while the...
Modern green and hard machining of double helical gears
After a short introduction about the advantages of herringbone gears (no gap between the two gears) and double helical gears (with a gap) and...
Design features of hobbed bevel gears for crossed-axes gear sets
This article deals with hobbed bevel gears for crossed-axes gear pairs. The discussion is primarily focused on the kinematics and geometry of the generated...
A guide on hobbing: How it’s evolved and what to look for
Gears are used widely throughout modern industry to transfer power and motion or control speed and torque in a wide range of mechanical devices....
Gear grinding service levels taken to new heights
Continuous generating gear grinding has established itself as the preferred method of hard-finishing automotive gears. The machine tools – the gear grinding machines –...
Grind ’em cool: Premium solution for grinding large gears
Serial production of large gears requires a high level of quality, excellence, and continuity in production. Particular emphasis is placed on maximum synergy between...
Forging solutions: Expert troubleshooting and training using AR
Today, forging companies face significant workforce challenges that can lead to excessive production downtime and lower productivity. Among these are the lack of available...
In Process Measurement and Compensation for Manufacturing Skiving Cutters
There is a strong and growing demand for skiving cutters, used for the mass production of gears. Compared to the shaping process, the skiving...
Workholding solutions and setup considerations
Even with advanced cutting tools, it may be challenging to produce machined parts with high accuracy and precision if there is no workholding method....
Investigating the scuffing load carrying capacity of hypoid gear oils
Highly loaded hypoid gears, which are preferably used in vehicle axle drives, exhibit an unfavorable combination of high sliding velocities and high contact stresses...
Estimation of drag finishing abrasive effect for cutting-edge preparation in broaching tool
In recent years, cutting-edge preparation became a topic of high interest in the manufacturing industry because of the important role it plays in the...
Calculating mounting distance tolerances
The mounting distance in intersected-axes gearing and in crossed-axes gearing will be explored in this article. It is shown the plane of action in...
Investigation of the effect of application of non-conventional root profiles for reduction of bending...
The substitution of the conventional trochoid root profile in spur and helical gears by non-conventional root profiles, based on elliptical or Bèzier curves, to...
Case study: Measuring precision parts with CMM
Exact Metrology: A Division of In-Place Machining Company and a comprehensive 3D metrology service provider and hardware sales company, recently used its coordinate measuring...
Optimizing forging machine productivity, longevity
In the multi-faceted gear industry, it is important to shine a spotlight on a key element of gear production: forging and the essential process...