New Bantam Tools CNC air blaster pairs with desktop milling machine

The Bantam Tools desktop CNC air blaster accessory helps with CNC machining. (Courtesy: Bantam Tools)

Bantam Tools has launched the Bantam Tools desktop CNC air blaster accessory to go with its Bantam Tools desktop CNC milling machine. Now CNC operators can mill and increase chip evacuation and airflow at the same time, as the accessory integrates seamlessly with the Bantam Tools desktop CNC milling machine.

The Bantam Tools CNC air blaster accessory increases tool life, decreases cycle times, and improves material finish, taking in-house prototyping to the next level. It is ideal when working with heavy-debris materials such as aluminum, or when machining larger chips. Attached to an air compressor, the air blaster accessory has a powerful air flow that can be adjusted using a flow-rate knob. Users can also adjust the nozzle to make sure they are blowing air at the right angle for their cuts.

“Our customers have been asking for an air blaster and we delivered,” said Bre Pettis, CEO of Bantam Tools. “The Bantam Tools desktop CNC air blaster accessory helps improve a part’s finish, increases spindle life, helps increase material removal rates, keeps temperatures down, and overall, increases the lifespan of your machine and helps make better parts.”

“The Bantam Tools desktop CNC air blaster accessory is great,” said Nicholas Manousos, executive director of the Horological Society of New York. Manousos has been a Bantam Tools remote resident and beta tester. “The air blaster accessory helps me see toolpaths during longer jobs and makes it easier to catch problems while prototyping that are hard to uncover when simulating in my CAD/CAM software.”