Shelton Machinery owner funds engineering lab at Indianapolis high school

Shelton Machinery owner Nick Shelton’s Cathedral High School donation aims to encourage careers in manufacturing and technology. (Courtesy: Shelton Machinery)

Nick Shelton, president and co-owner of Shelton Machinery, a family-owned certified distributor of Mazak machine tools headquartered in Fishers, Indiana, made a significant donation to help establish a new engineering lab at Cathedral High School in Indianapolis. In its gratitude, the school officially named the new space the Shelton Family Engineering Lab after Shelton and his wife, Allison.

Shelton Machinery serves metalworking shops in Indiana, Kentucky, Kansas, and western Missouri with total manufacturing solutions and comprehensive sales, service and support.

“Manufacturing is vital to our economy,” Shelton said, “and we must have a skilled engineering workforce for our country to thrive. My wife and I are excited to partner with Cathedral to help educate its students and strengthen the backbone of manufacturing in the United States.”

The Shelton Family Engineering lab at Cathedral will occupy 2,016 square feet of the school’s new 48,467-square-foot Innovation Center. The lab will support the pre-engineering I, II, and III project-based courses. These courses survey a variety of engineering disciplines and will include projects in electrical engineering circuits, environmental engineering, and natural resources; materials science engineering; advanced CAD techniques; and 3D printing. At the conclusion of major projects, students will make formal presentations on their outcomes.