Multi-Function Dynamic Gear Backlash Testing Station from Promess


Promess, Inc., has introduced a new gear backlash testing station that dynamically measures tooth-to-tooth contact variations in both directions at each degree of rotation at the rate of 10,000 samples/second. The self-contained system is also able to monitor and control any torque-to-turn requirements of the assembly being tested, and optionally can be equipped to apply and monitor axial loads as well.

The test station uses a high-resolution angular encoder on its input and output shaft to measure angular position at a series of defined small increments during the test. Both shafts are driven by Promess’s torque functional test (TFT) units with integral torque sensors. The input shaft drive TFT applies torque to the assembly being tested, and the output shaft drive applies a braking torque. The backlash is determined by reversing the direction of torque application on the two shafts and measuring the resulting displacement. The large number of samples taken during the test provides data on all possible tooth-to-tooth combinations within the assembly.

Promess’s PRO application software is used to collect and analyze the data. It calculates the minimum, average, and maximum backlash values for the unit being tested. Data is presented graphically and stored for future analysis and trend monitoring.

The test cycle begins with both the upper and lower slides retracted for part loading. The upper slide then lowers to preload the part and optionally apply and measure the axial load. Then the lower slide is advanced to engage the output side of the part. The upper shaft is then rotated to the right while the lower shaft applies a braking force. This procedure is reversed, and the gears are rotated to the next test position. The unit’s 10,000 sample/second test rate permits even complex gear assemblies to be completely tested in only a few seconds.

Promess develops, manufactures, and markets its family of sensing devices, electronics, assembly presses, and test systems on a global basis.

To learn more call Hope Hirth at (810) 229-9334. Send e-mail to or go online to [].