KISSdesign system defines gearbox elements, kinematics efficiently

Using the sketcher in KISSdesign, it is possible to define the gearbox elements and kinematics of mechanical systems in an efficient way. (Courtesy: KISSsoft)

The power flow calculation has been refined and accelerated in the KISSsoft® Release 2024.

The power flow, calculated based on the kinematic definition of transmission, is the base of every system strength analysis.

KISSdesign® system module combines kinematic analysis, lifetime calculation, 3D graphics, system reports with a programming language. Using the sketcher in KISSdesign, it is possible to define the gearbox elements and kinematics of mechanical systems in an efficient way. The handling of multiple boundaries, power splits, shifting speeds, epicyclic gear stages and bevel differentials have become simple and user-friendly.

To learn how to define the kinematics, multiple power inputs and outputs, power splits, and operating modes in KISSdesign, register for the free webinar. MSc ETH Cengiz Yilmaz will present the most important topics related to complex kinematics on June 5.