Sunday, February 16, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Timothy L. Krantz

Timothy L. Krantz

has worked as a research engineer at the NASA Glenn Research Center since 1987, first as an employee of the U.S. Army and presently as an employee of NASA. He has researched many topics to improve power transmission components and systems, with an emphasis on helicopter gearbox technologies and space mechanism components. He is past-Chair of the ASME Power Transmission and Gearing Committee, a member of the AGMA Helical Gear Rating Committee, and a member of the Industry Advisory Board for the NSF’s Smart Vehicle Concepts Center. He has supported several projects for the NASA Engineering Safety Center including the Shuttle Rudder Speed Brake Actuator, the Shuttle Body Flap Actuator, the International Space Station Solar Alpha Rotary Joint, and the James Webb Space Telescope.