Klingelnberg Receives Two Of Tekom’s Renowned Documentation Awards


Klingelnberg once again received two awards for its outstanding operating instruction quality at the ceremony for the renowned tekom documentation award on November 7th, 2013, in Wiesbaden, Germany.

The European professional association for technical communication, tekom (Gesellschaft für Technische Kommunikation e.V.), has been honoring user manuals and operating instructions for consumer and capital equipment, as well as online help for software products, with awards since 2005. In order to determine which documentation should win the award, tekom submits the instructions to an independent team of experts in technical documentation for evaluation according to a specified catalog of criteria. This year, Klingelnberg Group proved the quality of its operating manuals for the third time in a row: the instructions for the spiral bevel gear testing machine Oerlikon T 60 and the cutter head setting and checking device Oerlikon CS 200 received the coveted seal of quality this year with a high-scoring grade of 1.7 (according to the German school grading system where 1 is best and 6 is worst).

Pascal Kesselmark, head of technical documentation at Klingelnberg Group, accepted the awards in person during the ceremony: “We are incredibly thrilled about this honor, which more than confirms our 2008 decision to completely rework our technical documentation. Now we are looking back at eight awards since 2011.”

Dr. Hartmuth Müller, CTO of Klingelnberg Group, also seemed extremely happy with the results. “Our customers expect the highest degree of quality and safety from our products,” he said. “Naturally, this also includes technical documentation. It has to be written in an understandable way, needs to meet all legal and standard-related requirements, and must allow operators to use our products efficiently and safely at all times. That is why this award represents an affirmation of our continuous work as a quality-conscious company.”

For more information about the documentation award from tekom, visit www.tekom.de/dokupreis.