PRODUCT SHOWCASE: High Precision Tooling Adapters from EXSYS


EXSYS Tool, Inc., will be showcasing a variety of its high precision tooling adapters at IMTS booth #W-1474. The company’s PRECI-FLEX is the first tooling system on the market with a single base holder and multiple tooling adapters that utilizes the ER collet pocket, making lathe tooling changeovers quick, accurate, and cost effective. The product’s compact design ensures maximum torque transmission and rigidity, resulting in increased machining accuracy and improved productivity. Additionally, the modular system’s conical and flat face planar interface allows the use of either an adapter or a standard ER collet, and enables collets, endmill holders, expanding collet chucks and shrinks fit tooling to be mounted on a single base holder. For more information contact Stewart Bachmann at Also visit [].