D.C. Morrison Introduces New Blind Hole Keyway Cutter


The blind hole keyway cutting machine, new from the D.C. Morrison Company, has opened the field for smaller keys in many applications. It is designed to cut keyways up to 3/8" wide, metric up to 10mm wide, with special sizes made on request. Tooling is available in high-speed steel or cobalt, and it uses a single-tooth cutter–no broaches are necessary.

The D.C. Morrison Company has been manufacturing keyseaters–machines that cut keyways very inexpensively–since the early 1950s. For the past 12 months, their engineering department has been experimenting on a "blind hole" cutting machine. They have finally achieved success in producing a machine that is capable of cutting a keyway in a non-thru hole, which is normally a difficult task. The machine actually cuts three pieces at once, potentially saving thousands of dollars per year. The machines are manufactured in the United States and come with a one-year warranty.

For more information, contact Roger Reder at (859) 581-7511, or send e-mail to rvbbj@juno.com. Access the company’s Web site at [www.dcmorrison.com].