PRODUCT SHOWCASE: 2000°F Gas-Heated Box Furnace Introduced


No. 871 is an electrically-heated 2000°F (~1093.3°C) gas-heated box furnace from Grieve, currently used for heat treating and high temperature testing. 650,000 BTU/HR are installed in three modulating natural gas burners with a floor mounted combustion air blower. Workspace dimensions are 30” wide x 48” deep x 30” high.

The unit has 7” insulated walls comprised of 5” of 2300°F ceramic fiber and 2” of 1700°F block insulation. The 6½” floor insulation is made of 4½” of 2300°F firebrick and 2” of 1900°F block insulation. The plate hearth is made of firebrick and is supported by firebrick piers.

Controls onboard No. 871 include a Partlow MRC 7000 recording and programming temperature controller and an electrically operated vertical lift door.

For more information, call 847-546-8225 or go to