Getting you and the industry ready for 2023


In AGMA’s last board meeting of 2022, it was impressive to review all that has happened in the last 11 months and what the association and its members have accomplished. Some of those achievements include publishing five information sheets, hosting 89 technical committee meetings, 10 emerging technology webinars, educating about 1,000 gearing professionals, officially cutting the ribbon at the AGMA National Training Center, hosting more than 300 industry employers and employees at events, visiting more than 15 members’ plants, and gathering hundreds of subject-matter experts for gear innovation through committees, the FTM, and curated tours at industry events. AGMA is global, and it was truly amazing to have so many touch points directly with members to listen to their hardships, successes, and to work together to make sure 2023 will be even better.

Membership at AGMA does not just mean you get a discount on education classes or free access to our many industry-focused webinars and reports. It means having an incredible built-in network that leads to sales, solutions, and even friendships. The board of directors, committee leaders, and staff have outlined a busy and important agenda for next year, and if you haven’t signed up already to get involved, make sure to do so now.

AGMA officials cut the ribbon at the AGMA National Training Center, operated in partnership with Richard J. Daley College in Chicago, Illinois.

In 2023, AGMA will:

• Host the AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting at Disney’s Grand Floridan Resort & Spa© (unparalleled customer service experience at one of the most sought-after meeting locations in the world).

• Develop and groom the future leaders of the industry at The Strategic Networking & Leadership Forum (SNL).

• Engage the industry with new online platforms and improved website functionality.

• Continue to pivot our education portfolio to ensure our members have the education tools they need and when they need them from the technical leaders from which they choose to learn.

• Publish white papers on emerging technologies affecting manufacturing.

• Publish standards and information sheets on critical areas covering the full gamut of technologies.

• Welcome hundreds of customers, attendees, and exhibitors to the Motion + Power Technology Expo in Detroit, October 17-19.

This list is just a sample of how AGMA will continue to work hard for its members and the industry at large. There are numerous projects in the pipeline that will keep gearing professionals ahead of the disruptions and ready for the changing economy, supply chain challenges, workforce hurdles, and more. But, more than anything, we will continue to go to the member directly and see all the amazing work being done. We will continue to make it personal and travel globally to ensure our standards and resources reach everyone.

As we close out the year, we truly appreciate all of our members and those who have worked hard to ensure our industry stays relevant and ready — thank you. If your company wants to join AGMA or, as a member, you want to get more involved, please reach out to Rebecca Brinkley at

We are here for you.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Analytical Gear Chart Interpretation
January 19, 2023 | Virtual Course

This course is an introduction to the methodology of analytical gear inspection and the evaluation and interpretation of the resulting data. The application of this information to identify and correct manufacturing errors will be explored. Additionally, it reviews chart interpretation and applies inspection data to understand the causes and cures of manufacturing errors. Many chart examples are used to understand cause and effect.

Involute Spline Design & Rating
January 24-25, 2023 | Virtual Course

This course will address both geometry and rating of involute splines of various types. The types of spline joints and their applications will be discussed. Spline configuration variations, including half depth, full depth, and special function designs, will be addressed. Both fixed and flexible spline configurations will be examined in terms of usage and design. Lubrication methods, including grease, oil bath, and flowing oil, as well as coatings appropriate for various spline applications, are examined. Shear and compressive stress rating methods are discussed with analyses methodology presented in both equation and graphical methodology via various rating charts.

Bevel Gear Systems Design
February 7-9, 14-16, 2023 | Virtual Course

Learn how to design and apply bevel gears systems from the initial concept through manufacturing and quality control and on to assembly, installation, and maintenance. Engage in a practical hands-on guide to the bevel gear design, manufacture, quality control, assembly, installation rating, lubrication, and, most especially, application.

Gearbox CSI: Forensic Analysis of Gear & Bearing Failures – Useful Tools for Optimizing Gear Design
February 28 – March 2, 2023 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A good understanding of individual failure modes and the failure scenarios that led to the actual system failure is an essential skill to designing gear/bearing systems that will operate properly for their full design life. In this course, we will define and explain the nature of many gear and bearing failures, and we will also discuss and describe various actual failure scenarios. In addition, a detailed primer on bearing technology prefaces the failure scenario discussions. You will gain a better understanding of various types of gears and bearings. Learn about the limitation and capabilities of rolling element bearings and the gears they support.  Grasp an understanding of how to properly apply the best gear-bearing combination to any gearbox from simple to complex.

2023 AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting

The 2023 AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting will be at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, near Orlando. Join your peers for a three-day event that will allow you to get out of the office, gain a fresh perspective, and hear from subject-matter experts while networking at one of Disney’s luxurious resorts. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to connect with other top-level executives and share your perspective on how to drive the industry forward.

Visit for more information.

Join an AGMA Technical Committee today

Shape the gear standards of tomorrow, today. Join more than 300 of your gear-industry colleagues by volunteering on at least one of AGMA’s 23 technical committees.  The expert knowledge in AGMA’s current catalog of more than 100 documents boosts American and worldwide business. AGMA technical committees are also your vehicle to participate in development of more than 50 ISO gear standards, as many AGMA committees have a secondary function as technical advisory groups to ISO.

To join a committee, all you need to do is be a member of AGMA and email us your interest at

Calendar of Events

December 15 — Helical Enclosed Drives High Speed Units Committee — WebEx

December 15 — Powder Metallurgy Committee — WebEx

January 12 — Metallurgy & Materials Committee — WebEx

January 17 — Gear Accuracy Committee — WebEx

January 18 — Bevel Gearing Committee — WebEx

January 19 — Nomenclature Committee — WebEx

January 19 — Analytical Gear Chart Interpretation    Winter Online Virtual Course

January 24-25 — Involute Spline Design & Rating — Online Virtual Course

January 26 — Helical Enclosed Drives High Speed Units Committee — WebEx

February 2 — Flexible Couplings Committee — WebEx

February 7-9 — Bevel Gear Systems Design    Part 1 Online Virtual Course

February 14-16 — Bevel Gear Systems Design    Part 2 Online Virtual Course

February 16 — Aerospace Gearing Committee — WebEx

February 21 — Bevel Gearing Committee — WebEx