AGMA Technical Committees: Successes of 2015 and Plans for 2016


AGMA technical committees had a productive 2015, developing the standards and information sheets that help the gear industry operate effectively and efficiently. Last year, AGMA published new revisions of four standards, and it will be publishing five standards and one information sheet in early 2016. The development of these documents would not have been possible without the dedicated support and expertise that the AGMA membership provides to the association. The AGMA Technical Division Executive Committee would like to thank these individuals and their companies for all of their hard work.

The majority of the 140-plus technical committee meetings in 2015 took place via web conferences, allowing participants to attend the meetings without significant disruptions to their day-to-day responsibilities. AGMA has always relied on the dedicated support and expertise of our membership to develop the technical standards and information sheets that continually advance the gear industry. Members of AGMA technical committees are the authors of the standards that benefit the gearing industry worldwide. These benefits are not limited to the users of these standards. Technical committee members and their companies find the opportunity to participate in the development of these documents professionally and intellectually beneficial. Each member of a technical committee has the chance to interact with and learn from his or her peers from all around the gear industry, as well as gain an intimate understanding of the information contained within the document being developed.

The following is a list of documents that AGMA technical committees published in 2015:

  • ANSI/AGMA 2015-2-B15, Gear Tooth Flank Tolerance Classification System — Definitions and Allowable Values of Double Flank Radial Composite Deviations
  • ANSI/AGMA 6002-C15, Design Guide for Vehicle Spur and Helical Gears
  • ANSI/AGMA 6102-C15, Design Guide for Vehicle Spur and Helical Gears (Metric Edition)
  • ANSI/AGMA 9112-B15, Bores and Keyways for Flexible Couplings (Metric Series)
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The following is a list of documents that AGMA technical committees will publish in early 2016:

  • ANSI/AGMA 6014, Gear Power Rating for Cylindrical Shell and Trunnion Supported Equipment
  • ANSI/AGMA 6114, Gear Power Rating for Cylindrical Shell and Trunnion Supported Equipment (Metric Edition)
  • ANSI/AGMA 6013, Standard for Industrial Enclosed Gear Drives
  • ANSI/AGMA 6113, Standard for Industrial Enclosed Gear Drives (Metric Edition)
  • ANSI/AGMA 9005, Industrial Gear Lubrication
  • AGMA 920, Materials for Plastic Gears

Looking forward to 2016, there are several exciting projects that will be getting underway. The Lubrication Committee, having recently completed its work on the latest revision of ANSI/AGMA 9005, Industrial Gear Lubrication, will begin a project to separate the lubrication and lubricant information found in the current standard in order to create two documents. Over the last couple of revisions of ANSI/AGMA 9005, the document has steadily increased its content about lubricants. The new project will focus on creating a general lubrication document while providing assistance to application-specific committees (high-speed applications, aerospace applications, open gearing applications, etc.) and incorporating application-specific lubrication considerations into their application-specific documents.

Another project beginning in 2016 is a revision of ANSI/AGMA 6001-E08. This document provides an acceptable practice for the design and selection of components for enclosed gear drives, in addition to fundamental equations for the proper sizing of shafts, keys, and fasteners based on stated allowable stresses. The committee responsible for the work on ANSI/AGMA 6001 is the Enclosed Drives for Industrial Applications Committee.

AGMA technical committees will also continue their work on a revision of AGMA 925-A03, Effect of Lubrication on Gear Surface Distress. The current version, AGMA 925, provides methods for calculating elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) film thickness and contact temperature. This information sheet also provides methods for predicting the probability of unwanted surface distresses, such as wear and scuffing. As part of the revision, the committee is planning to update these methods and will attempt to develop a method for predicting the probability of micropitting.

Another project that was started in 2015 (and is still in its early stages of development) is the second part of AGMA 919, Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Gear Units and Open Gears. Part two of AGMA 919 will look at the application of diagnostic tools and instrumentation to analyze vibration, acoustics, motor current signature, and lubrication. The information sheet will also discuss the methods for condition monitoring, performing diagnostics, monitoring temperature, establishing baseline data for trend analysis, and non-destructive testing of in-service gear units and open gearing. The work on this project is being completed by the Sound and Vibration Committee.

The Metallurgy and Materials Committee will also continue work on the new revision of AGMA 923-B05, Metallurgical Specifications for Steel Gearing. This document identifies metallurgical quality characteristics, which are important to the performance of steel gearing and performance levels of gearing by heat treatment method and grade number. For each heat treatment method and AGMA grade number, acceptance criteria are given for the various metallurgical characteristics identified in this document. With this revision, the committee is looking to ensure the document’s continued compatibility with the latest industry practices.

A full listing of AGMA technical committees, including a scope of their activities, can be found in the Technical Committees section of the AGMA website, For additional information about AGMA technical committees, standards, and information sheets, or AGMA software, please contact the AGMA Technical Division at

Upcoming AGMA/Training Courses

Gear Materials: Selection, Metallurgy, Heat Treatment, and Quality Control

February 24-26, 2016

Clearwater Beach, Florida

$1,895 AGMA Members

($1,695 additional registrant from same company)

$2,395 Non-Members

($2,195 additional registrant from same company)

Instructors: Raymond J. Drago and Roy Cunningham

The design of an optimum gear set requires the coordinated effort of the gear design engineer, the gear metallurgist, and the bearing system engineer. The instructors of this course are a gear design engineer and a metallurgist who have worked collaboratively on projects for more than 40 years. Learn the roles of each of these professionals and how collaborative efforts can provide better outcomes. Additional information on gear-related problems, failures, and improved processing procedures will be reviewed.

Following this seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the various gear material choices, including steel, cast iron, ductile iron, plastics, bronze, and more exotic choices.
  • Explain heat treatment processes and their relation to gear performance, cost, reliability, and load characteristics.
  • Apply best practice for engineer drawings to define and control the material selection process in an unambiguous, clear, and complete manner.
  • Identify the five important areas of the engineering drawing that the metallurgist should look for.Use the proper nomenclature for gear materials.
  • Describe typical heat treatment processing technique for gear materials.
  • Explain why the metallurgist should review the manufacturing process sequence and list what he should look for.
  • Discuss the types of grinding burns and how to prevent them from occurring.

Gearbox CSI: Forensic Analysis of Gear & Bearing Failures

March 22-24, 2016

Best Western Plus – Concordville Hotel, Concordville, Pennsylvania

Instructors: Raymond J. Drago and Joseph W. Lenski, Jr.

This seminar helps gear designers gain a better understanding of various types of gears and bearings. Learn about the limitation and capabilities of rolling element bearings and the gears that they support so you can properly apply the best gear-bearing combination to any gearbox, whether simple or complex.

Following this seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Apply their understanding of forensic analysis of gearbox failures in future gearbox designs.
  • Discuss bearing and gear types.
  • Explain how bearing selection is influenced by gear type and loading.
  • Select appropriate bearing types and configurations as influenced by gear type and loading.
  • Explain how to optimize bearing and gear combinations.
  • Identify seven material and manufacturing-related defects.

AGMA Advanced Gear Engineering Certificate

In the past eight years, AGMA has steadily added to its advanced gear engineering course offerings with now seven courses that make up the AGMA Advanced Gear Engineering Academy. More than 1,600 individuals have participated in these courses, and several have taken five or more courses to receive the AGMA Advanced Gear Engineering Certificate.

For these dedicated individuals, the certificate represents more than 100 classroom hours. It is quite an achievement and demonstrates real passion for continuing education in the gear industry. AGMA and the AGMA Education Advisory Council are pleased to recognize those who have accomplished this in 2015:

  • Jørgen Jakobsen, Vestas Wind Systems A/S
  • Andy Mugrage, UTC Aerospace Systems
  • Francis Nagy, Deca Industries, Ltd.