Wickert’s Hardening System Receives Prestigious 2016 Innovation Award


Wickert Hydraulic Presses of Landau, Germany — a global manufacturer of fixture hardening systems for heat treated and high-tolerance parts that require forming and hardening — was recently honored by the Ministry of Economics (RLP, Germany) with an Innovation Award of 2016.

Left: Dr. Volker Wissing, Minister of Economics, center: Stefan Herzinger, managing director, Wickert, right: Dr. Ulrich Link, chairman of ISB – Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz

Wicket’s innovations in heat treat and gear manufacturing processes include a newly developed forming/hardening system. Incorporated in a work cell are new technologies such as FinishClean, a recycle system for quenching fluid after the hardening process, and GripSmart, an automated system designed to avoid damage of delicate gear components during the heat treat process.

This new system is applicable for producers of agricultural tillage parts who aspire to form, quench, and harden in a single cell as well as automotive gear transmission producers. It provides customers the possibility to reduce hardening cycle times of 50 percent while also decreasing energy usage. The Innovation Award of 2016 honors Wickert for its innovative research and development department within the company.

Wickert Hydraulic Presses operates a North American facility in Hebron, Kentucky, that is dedicated to engineering, service, and customer support. Wickert can assist customers in overall system planning, including capacity calculations, feasibility studies, as well as detailed production layouts.

For more information: wickert-usa.com