Despite all the other machining operations having been optimally coordinated, the deburring operation continues causing the economic viability of the whole process to decline, owing to the fact that it has not been included in the process stream from the start. With EMAG ECM GmbH the EMAG Group now closes that loophole and offers—as the first company to do so—the whole process stream, including deburring, from a single source. ECM—electro-chemical machining—is a gentle metal removal process that does not involve spark formations. An electrode is connected to a D.C. or pulse source to act as a cathode (tool), while the workpiece represents the other electrode and is poled as an anode. The charge in the electrode gap between cathode and anode flows in a watery electrolyte solution—usually sodium nitrate or sodium chlorite—and dissolves metal ions on the workpiece. The material removed can later be filtered out from the electrolyte solution as metal hydroxide. An enhancement of ECM is the PECM process, with the “P” standing for the kind of precision that can be achieved with a pulsed current, an oscillating cathode, and pulse-packets. Learn more at [].